Brother Brian Watson directs this ministry. Held in the Eastern Reception, Diagnostic & Correctional Center, the opportunity exists to reach literally thousands of inmates each week. Every Tuesday morning, Brother Watson makes his rounds through the wards. This time is focused on cell-to-cell visitation, focusing on counseling those in need of assistance and making new contacts. Of course, soulwinning is always the ultimate objective. An especially enjoyable time for the inmates takes place at 6:30 in the evening. For two hours, a Bible study is conducted, and the discipleship course "The ABC's of Christian Maturity" is taught. This weekly time allows inmates to be strengthened corporately in their newfound walks with the Lord. Also, each year, Brother Watson works with evangelists from the Rock of Ages Prison Ministry in hosting a large revival meeting within the facility. Dozens are saved annually in these services, and we have been privileged as a church to observe several hundred prisoners trust Christ as their Saviour through these meetings.