Soul Winning/Visitation
The Great Commission is essential to the life of every Christian. Every Christian is commanded to share the Gospel with those around them in one way or another. At Second Baptist Church, all of our ministries are centered upon bringing souls to Christ. Our Visitation ministry is the main avenue for church members to take the message of Jesus to those in need.
- Teen Soul-winning provides our youth group the opportunity to share the Good News with residents throughout Jefferson County. Assisted and encouraged by our youth group leaders and willing volunteers, our teenagers gain experience visiting door-to-door and using Gospel tracts to share the love of Jesus Christ with others. Our young people consider this one of their most treasured times. No matter what age you are, we would love to have you join us every Wednesday afternoon at 3:30.
- Saturday Saturation takes place the last Saturday of each month at 10:00am. Pastor King encourages our members to participate in door to door soul-winning and "blitzing" where were paper our city with information about an upcoming event or just leave invitations to come join us on Sunday at our guest.
- Weekly Visitation-During this time, visitors from our worship services are contacted providing an opportunity to talk at length with people from our church. Newcomers to the area, prospects from Teen Visitation, or anyone that is in need may be visited during this time, as well. Often, people have many questions about Second Baptist Church. Our people are more than happy to take this time each week to encourage, befriend, and pray with whoever they may meet.
- Bus Visitation is the catalyst of our bus ministry. Every other Saturday morning, our bus workers and others gather for a hearty breakfast and devotional time in God’s Word. Each set of workers then disperses along our five routes, prayerfully seeking new riders for the upcoming Sunday. While many consider this to be a specific visitation that is only for “bus workers,” everyone is welcome to serve in this capacity as often as they like. In fact, many people stop in occasionally to support a route and recruit new people for the buses. You could be one of those. We hope to see you sometime on Saturday at 9:30.